Responsible for providing robust financial leadership, strategic management, expert,and specialist strategic financial and business planning advice to the organisation, ensuring financial controls are maintained in line with Corporate Governancerequirements Provide expert advice to the subsidiary Board of Directors on all financial issues. As a Finance and Business Manager, the post holder is responsible for ensuring the achievement of financial sustainability & performance management along with the key strategic objectives including the development and coordination of key performance indicators As a Finance and Business Manager, the post holder is responsible for ensuring that all raw materials and consumables have been procured from bona fide suppliers, as per MHRA regulatory requirements. Relevant bona fide checks on all customers are required before initial supply and on an ongoing basis, the Finance and Business Manager must ensure systems are in place to ensure these checks are performed before initial supply and on a periodic basis. As a Finance and Business Manager, the post holder has responsibility for oversight, and delegated responsibility for leading on Strategic Risk Register, MMC insurances, Internal Audit Programme, Property transactions, Pensions transactions, contracts and leases Responsible for the leadership, management, and performance of a Finance function, in providing a professional, high quality financial management service, ensuring effectiveness and business focus of financial systems and processes. The post holder will need to establish effective working relationships with the contract lead and those delivering services for accounts payable and receivable ensuring payments are made in line with required deadlines supporting the cashflow management of the MMC Investigates and advises on highly complex issues and sensitive financial issues Ensure compliance with statutory and legal requirements, including ensuring statutory accounts & returns are accurate and meet agreed timescales and legal requirements, interpreting these where necessary Contribute to the development of the 5 year and annual planning cycle Represent MMC in external forums Play a key role in ensuring there are effective working relationships between the MMC, partner trusts and external partners. Lead and manage contract negotiation, contract performance monitoring and contract management, including mitigation against under performance. Devise supporting financial plans, including financial forecasts, charging policy, value for money, investment plans and capital plans. Meet agreed targets and objectives and deliver within defined costs, timescales, and resources To evaluate business opportunities and risks - and lead on bids development and business case production. Apply rigorous generally accepted commercial disciplines and techniques in assessing viability of investment proposals. Ensure value for money through reviews of the MMC operation and by ensuring effective procurement arrangements. Responsible for ensuring there is a robust and sound system of internal control. Develop effective budgetary control systems. Manage the development and delivery of management accounts, monthly financial reports to Board, and annual accounts. Maintain stringent liquidity controls through a process of tight and cost-effective cash management procedures to minimise the utilisation of credit facilities. Responsible for financial and contract governance, including the reporting of key information to the Board. Ensure that both internal and external deadlines are met for all financialmonitoring information requirements. Effectively manage financial agreements between the MMC and key stakeholders to ensure appropriate recovery of costs