Job Description
1. Ensure high quality outcome-based responses to all citizens eligible for social care services by;
a. Providing appropriate responses or referrals within required timescales, organisational, policy and legislative requirements including the reimbursement legislation and eligibility guidelines
b. providing prompt support to meet immediate risks and needs in crisis situations
c. providing targeted, appropriate support to citizens' self-assessments of their needs, working in partnership with colleagues in health and other partner agencies to contribute to multi-disciplinary assessments as required
d. acting as care co-ordinator for citizens with complex needs, supporting high risk, complex assessments where there are specific concerns requiring a high level of specialist qualification and knowledge and/or where there are difficult life circumstances or serious trauma.
e. ensure that responses are geared to citizens' ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic background, practicing in a manner and delivering services which are in all respects anti-discriminatory
f. that concerns and complaints are responded to and are addressed by making appropriate changes to existing practices.
2. Identify, investigate and manage potential safeguarding, Mental Health Act, mental capacity, continuing health care and other high risk situations where citizens' safety or liberty may be at risk, working with all relevant agencies so as to enable citizens to take risks whilst protecting them from abuse, managing the risks to staff and the Council.
3. Promote independence and facilitate solutions, providing practical, person-centred assistance for citizens, their family/carer and their support network to:
a. assess and review their own risks and outcomes and determine the allocated personal budget
b. design and cost a mutually-agreed best value support plan to meet agreed outcomes
c. identify community and other natural support resources, hence maximising their assets using benefits, preventative/universal services and other funding sources
d. liaise and negotiate with local providers, support networks, and other resources
e. access, use and review their services, including the effective use of direct payments and the safe use of equipment and adaptations in compliance with relevant legislation, policy and guidelines on safe working practices.
f. identify and implement positive solutions in resolving any conflict between the parties involved
g. arrange, implement and review support plans if requested by the citizen, and providing intensive support if they require it to start activities or test new services
h. refer to the line manager unresolved support and service issues, including
i. cases where it appears that outcomes to meet needs cannot be delivered by the personal budget allocated
ii. lack of availability of suitable services
iii. local providers' apparent failure to meet national or locally determined quality or performance standards.
i. facilitate complex care and support arrangements on the citizen's behalf.
4. Contribute to team effectiveness and response by working to and enforcing Departmental standards and, where joint working is in place, those of the NHS;
a. prioritising work allocated by the line manager and managing a caseload under regular supervision
b. participating in the AMHP rota, help desk/response system
c. maintaining comprehensive accurate case records and IT records consistent with agreed fieldwork practice
d. producing case reports and correspondence for a variety of audiences including meetings, conferences, court, panels and other agencies
5. Undertake the statutory functions of the Department relevant to the post, maintaining an up to date knowledge of legislation, policy and service developments in social work, occupational therapy and related areas of skill and expertise including 18 hours of training/development required to maintain AMHP status.
6. Maintain efficient and reliable liaison with other statutory and voluntary agencies as well as other Council departments, having particular regard to effective working relationships with statutory and independent sector providers of residential, nursing and community based services.
7. Develop expertise and knowledge of services, conditions and local community resources and to use this to contribute to the management and development of team, group and council-wide policies, processes, projects and services.
Eden Brown Synergy is an equal opportunities employer.
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