General Duties Ensures financial and performance information requirements are successfully met including participation in production of long-term financial plans, monthly finance and activity reporting. Including the provision of strategic financial management advice. Supports performance management arrangements across the organisations and ensures that appropriate action is taken to improve performance. Developing strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders to ensure; A culture of shared responsibility for financial issues, Business Partnering to support the delivery of robust finance and performance information in a format that is communicated effectively. Supporting managers & staff to ensure all areas of the agenda are covered at all times. Monitoring on-going financial performance ensuring the timely and accurate presentation of financial information and advice and highlighting risks as they emerge Maintaining appropriate budget systems and processes to accurately assess performance identify and report in-year risks and forecast year-end positions for all services. Leading on benchmarking of services, to promote the best use of resources and to identify areas of high cost. Keeping up to date with the changes in national policy, in particular around the Better Care Fund and other joint commissioning arrangements, by working with colleagues at local, regional and national level. As and when required, link into the work of internal audit, external audit and counter fraud functions, ensuring a robust control environment is in place. Support and advise managers to work within Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instructions and statutory obligations including the Corporate Governance Framework. Supporting the CFO in ensuring that the Organisations financial procedures and policies, including Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instructions and Budgetary Control Policy are in place, communicated to all staff and adhered to at all times. Cascading messages from the CFO to Directors and senior managers on the financial issues arising from NHS policy and lead the implementation of new processes. Being a proactive member of the Business, Strategy & Planning directorate and other multi-disciplinary teams by attending, contributing and influencing meetings and reporting, identifying, implementing and monitoring actions. Performing all duties in a professional manner, recognising confidentiality of financial information and the need to maintain professional credibility at all times. Seeking opportunities to contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the directorate, the service it provides and the standards of financial management Coordinating the contribution of the Finance teams across the system in supporting, monitoring, reporting and other work programmes. Actively interrogating investment schemes to ensure they are robust and likely to deliver savings. Monitoring of investment schemes throughout the financial year, assessment of delivery in terms of monetary savings and driving recovery plans where planned savings are not being made. Champion equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and ensure that activities take account of EDI requirements.