Bridgend County Borough Council
Have you got the right qualifications and skills for this job Find out below, and hit apply to be considered.
Head of Adult Social Care
Salary: £89,572 - £95,523
Working together
Are you a strategic leader with a passion for delivering progressive, integrated adult social care services?
Bridgend County Borough has a beautiful and diverse geography, with valleys in the north and miles of coastline and beaches to the south. The M4 corridor runs right through the centre of the county borough, and we have main-line rail links to Cardiff and London to the east, and Swansea in the west. We are a well-connected and passionate place, with our communities at our heart!
Due to the retirement of the current postholder, we are now seeking an exceptional individual to step into the pivotal role of Head of Adult Social Care. This is a unique opportunity to lead a well-performing and dynamic team dedicated to enhancing the lives of adults in our community. You will play a pivotal leadership role, overseeing high-quality services, driving transformational change, and fostering effective local and regional partnerships with health colleagues, other local authorities, commissioned providers, police, probation and the voluntary sector.
With a clear three-year strategic plan recently approved, your role will be to drive the effective delivery of these objectives, with a clear focus on integrated service delivery, transforming learning disability and mental health services, prevention and wellbeing. With this in mind, we are seeking a candidate with extensive senior experience in either social care, health, or an aligned sector. You will demonstrate a strong understanding of social care models, delivering best value and your transformational, strategic skillset. A well-developed political acumen is essential, as you will work closely with our Elected Members and Cabinet to drive forward Bridgend's ambitions.
This is an opportunity to make a real impact in a county borough committed to innovation, integration, and excellence in adult social care in which improved outcomes for people and communities is always at the heart of everything we do. If you have the vision, values, drive and motivation to shape the future of adult social care in Bridgend County Borough, we want to hear from you.
For further information, click on Apply or speak to our executive search partners GatenbySanderson: Jude Watters (07594 250 060), Rebecca Hopkin (07827 098 173) or Gary Evans (07809 195 593).
Closing Date: Wednesday 12th March
A ydych yn arweinydd strategol sydd ag angerdd am ddarparu gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol oedolion blaengar ac integredig?
Mae gan Fwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ddaearyddiaeth brydferth ac amrywiol, gyda chymoedd yn y gogledd a milltiroedd o arfordir a thraethau i'r de. Mae coridor yr M4 yn rhedeg drwy ganol y fwrdeistref sirol, ac mae gennym gysylltiadau rheilffordd prif linell â Chaerdydd a Llundain i'r dwyrain, ac Abertawe yn y gorllewin. Rydym yn lle sydd â chysylltiadau da ac angerddol, gyda'n cymunedau wrth ein gwraidd!
Oherwydd ymddeoliad deiliad presennol y swydd, rydym bellach yn chwilio am unigolyn eithriadol i gamu i rôl ganolog Pennaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol Oedolion. Mae hwn yn gyfle unigryw i arwain tîm sy'n perfformio'n dda a dynamig sy'n ymroddedig i wella bywydau oedolion yn ein cymuned. Byddwch yn chwarae rôl arweinyddiaeth ganolog, gan oruchwylio gwasanaethau o ansawdd uchel, ysgogi newid trawsnewidiol, a meithrin partneriaethau lleol a rhanbarthol effeithiol gyda chydweithwyr iechyd, awdurdodau lleol eraill, darparwyd a gomisiynir, yr heddlu, y gwasanaeth prawf a'r sector gwirfoddol.
Gyda chynllun strategol tair blynedd clir wedi'i gymeradwyo'n ddiweddar, eich rôl fydd ysgogi'r gwaith gyflawni'r amcanion hyn yn effeithiol, gan ganolbwyntio'n glir ar ddarpariaeth gwasanaeth integredig, trawsnewid gwasanaethau anabledd dysgu ac iechyd meddwl, atal a llesiant. O gofio hyn, rydym yn chwilio am ymgeisydd sydd â phrofiad uwch helaeth mewn naill ai gofal cymdeithasol, iechyd, neu sector cydgysylltiedig. Byddwch yn dangos dealltwriaeth gref o fodelau gofal cymdeithasol, gan ddarparu gwerth gorau a'ch set sgiliau trawsnewidiol, strategol. Mae craffter gwleidyddol datblygedig yn hanfodol, gan y byddwch yn gweithio'n agos gyda'n Haelodau Etholedig a'r Cabinet i symud uchelgeisiau Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn eu blaen.
Mae hwn yn gyfle i gael effaith wirioneddol mewn bwrdeistref sirol sydd wedi ymrwymo i arloesi, integreiddio, a rhagoriaeth mewn gofal cymdeithasol oedolion lle mae gwell canlyniadau i bobl a chymunedau bob amser wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn. Os os gennych y weledigaeth, y gwerthoedd, yr egni a'r cymhelliant i lunio dyfodol gofal cymdeithasol oedolion ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, hoffem glywed gennych.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i neu siaradwch â'n partneriaid chwilio gweithredol GatenbySanderson: Jude Watters (07594 250 060), Rebecca Hopkin (07827 098 173) neu Gary Evans (07809 195 593).