Perform diagnostic and treatment procedures as appropriate, informing patients of additionalinvestigations and follow up needs. Requesting further investigations as clinically indicated. Exercise professional judgement to manage risk appropriately, especially where there maybe complex and unpredictable events and supporting teams to do likewise to ensure safetyof individuals, families and carers. Assess patient suitability for procedure to be undertaken by a Nurse Colposcopist. To take responsibility for the patient undergoing colposcopic procedures, administering localanaesthetic as required via an agreed PGD or as an independent non-medical prescriber inaccordance with the BSCCP and trust guidelines. Ensure compliance with their respective code of professional conduct (NMC) and work withintheir scope of practice. To be responsible for recording and reporting all clinical findings, in a timely manner,including follow up, referral and pathways. Works in conjunction with the MDT to clearly define values, direction and policies impacting upon care. Work in partnership with individuals, families and carers, using a range of assessment methods as appropriate