Key Responsibilities of the Post:
As a Care Co-Ordinator, you will be responsible for assessing potential risks to patients and others. This will involve a holistic approach to meet patients' needs who have a severe and enduring mental health diagnosis. As an integrated team within the local authority, the Care Co-Ordinator will commission and personally deliver individual packages of care for a caseload of service users within our secondary service.
Key Requirements of the Person Specification:
1. RMN: Registered Mental Health Nurse
2. Social Worker
3. Occupational therapist with care coordination experience
4. Experience in a relevant area of mental health practice.
5. Current driving license or supported driver with use of vehicle.
1. To act as Care Co-ordinator, carry a caseload and work with evidence-based interventions to include:
2. Assessment of need of the service user and carer
3. Formulation of care plan
4. Implementation of a plan of care for the service user in collaboration with the multi-disciplinary team, referring agent, family/carer, and service user, where appropriate.
5. Assessment and monitoring of risk
6. To monitor, review and evaluate care in accordance with C.P.A
7. To liaise with all agencies, and members of the multi-disciplinary team to ensure the needs of the service user are met.
8. To carry out clinic duties such as the administration of depot injections either in the client's home or in the clinics if Nurse qualified.
9. To supervise Community Support Workers / Band 5s and peers as appropriate to implement elements of the care plan.
10. To maintain accurate, up-to-date electronic records of all service users referred and receiving assessment, care treatment, and support.
11. To offer initial mental health and social care assessments to those newly referred to the service.
12. To participate in the CMHT’s duty system on a rota basis. Be able to offer a rapid response to service users’ immediate needs, including those arising from crises.
13. To work in a therapeutically informed way within the multi-disciplinary team to address the needs of service users with complex emotional disorders.
14. To maintain a persistent approach to engagement where there are complex mental health difficulties.
15. To have the capacity to prioritise and work flexibly with MDT in order to respond to rapidly changing clinical needs.
16. To promote the physical health and wellbeing of service users.
17. To complete funding applications and review placements and care of service users in a wide range of hospitals and placements, some will be out of area, must be willing to drive out of area on occasions when required.
Communication and Relationship Skills:
1. Maintain excellent communication with service users on their health and social care plan and inform relatives on progress as appropriate.
2. Maintain excellent communication and provide guidance to Band 5’s assistant practitioners/support workers as appropriate, on the health and social care needs of service users.
3. Communicate effectively with all members of the multi-disciplinary, multi-agency team involved in the care of the service user.
4. Assess and respond appropriately to aggressive behaviour.
5. Make appropriate referrals to other agencies.
6. Promote and maintain confidentiality.
7. Promote and adhere to the Trust’s values statement.
Education and Training:
1. Participate in the supervision and assessment of students/learners on placement within the service.
2. Maintain a personal development plan and an annual program of learning and development.
3. Participate in individual performance development review on an annual basis.
4. Keep up to date with all policies, procedures and protocols relating to the client group/organisation and relevant practice.
5. Provide support to assistant practitioners/support workers/Band 5s by providing work-based training and development opportunities.
6. To act as mentor and preceptor for Band 5’s/Assistant Practitioners/support workers as appropriate.
7. Attend further training as identified with the line manager through the CPD process.
Administration and Information Technology:
1. Use information technology to support the care process for the benefit of the service users and their families through the recording of relevant data.
Clinical Governance:
1. Identify risk issues that impact on the service user’s health or social care needs.
2. Take appropriate action to the significance of the risk and consistent with protection procedures e.g. applying appropriate control and restraint techniques, applying child or adult protection procedures.
3. Demonstrate high standards of health and social care practice at all times.
4. Demonstrate effective team working inclusive of all relevant professionals.
5. Be accountable for own practice.
6. Report all accidents/incidents, and all ill health, failings in equipment and/or environment.
General Duties of all post holders:
1. To undertake any other reasonable duty, which is appropriate to the band, when requested by Senior Staff.
2. To be familiar with and comply with all Trust and departmental policies, procedures, protocols, and guidelines.
3. To be aware of and work towards the Trust's strategic goals.
Standards of Business Conduct:
1. The post holder will be required to comply with the organisation's standing order and standing financial instructions and at all times, deal honestly with the organisation, colleagues, and all those who have dealings with the organisation including patients, relatives, and suppliers.
2. The post holder must ensure that their behaviour and interests inside and outside work do not conflict with their Trust position, duties, and/or responsibilities.
Equality and Diversity & Equal Opportunities:
1. The post holder must carry out all duties and responsibilities of the post in accordance with the Trust’s Equal Opportunities and Equality and Diversity policies, avoiding unlawful discriminatory behaviour and actions when dealing with colleagues, service users, members of the public, and all other stakeholders.
2. The post holder must promote awareness of and respect for equality and diversity in accordance with Trust policies and procedures.
3. The post holder is responsible for treating all staff, patients, service users, NHS contractors, and the general public with dignity and respect at all times.
1. Appointments to regulated and controlled activities require an enhanced DBS disclosure.
2. All staff have a responsibility to promote the welfare of any child, young person, or vulnerable adult they come into contact with and in cases where there are safeguarding concerns, to act upon them and protect the individual from harm.
3. All staff should refer any safeguarding issues to their manager and escalate accordingly in line with the Trust Child and Adult Safeguarding Policies.
Professional and Personal Development:
1. The post holder must ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities by attending the Trust Mandatory Training and Induction Programme.
2. The post holder will be involved in a formal IPDR/KSF review with their manager at least every 12 months. Once performance/training objectives have been set, the staff member’s progress will be reviewed regularly, so that new objectives can be agreed and set, in order to maintain progress in service delivery.
3. The post holder will be expected to take responsibility for their own professional development and will be supported by the Trust to achieve development opportunities as appropriate.