Lead and co-ordinate the development, design, production and review of a SECAmb Charitable Strategy, ensuring operational and governance processes have realistic timeframes and are met. Lead and operationalise a fundraising plan to implement, manage and report on progress against KPIs to agree income and expenditure levels as agreed by the Charitable Funds Committee (some of which will be events based). Prepare regular reports for the Executive Team, Charitable Funds Committee, Trust Board and external stakeholders such as NHS Charities Together, detailing progress against agreed plans and indicating any areas or risks requiring attention. Prepare regular updates and news items for internal Trust staff, inviting engagement to raise awareness. Support the delivery of Trust strategic objectives that achieves best value for money. Act as an ambassador for the Charity at relevant internal and external engagement meetings and lead on bid writing for grant/Trust applications. Ensure the Charity has effective polices and procedures for accurate and timely reporting against all statutory, constitutional and contractual standards. This will include ensuring performance KPIs reflect the key priorities and challenges of the Charity with risks identified on the BAF and corporate risk register, where appropriate.