Duties and responsibilities 1. Engage with actual and potential referral agencies including statutory and third sector agencies and where appropriate the community to generate referrals for programmes / activities / services as required. 2. Carry out initial assessment of the potential or actual service user, including any risks, or his / her needs and requirements in respect of the service on offer. 3. Design and deliver an effective programme, learning or support plan with the service user using specialist agencies as applicable. This should be based on an initial assessment of the service users' needs and abilities. The progressions outcomes delivered should be recorded, monitored, reviewed, and updated regularly and in line with contract requirements. 4. Maintain contact on a regular basis with service users in accordance with the requirements of the service. This includes maintaining a professional relationship and being a good role model to service users. 5. Risk assess and take the necessary actions in respect of any activities / engagement with service users including personal safety. 6. Actively engage with service users in decisions that affect them, informing them of their procedural and representational rights, ensuring they have input in shaping the nature of services delivered to them through involvement activities ranging from providing information, requesting feedback, consulting, to facilitating participation by the service users. 7. Identify and maintain focus on achievement of the desired outcome for the service user from the service being delivered. Where this includes employment, ensuring the service user is assisted to prepare for and participate in suitable opportunities. 8. Develop relationships / liaise with appropriate external groups / agencies in support of services users' needs and requirements. 9. Ensure that the immediate environment of the service user in relation to service provision is well maintained, clean, tidy, and assessed for any fire and health and safety risks. This should be achieved by taking appropriate follow up action directly or through the relevant third party. 10. Use resources efficiently and effectively, always ensuring proper use and security, and maintaining and checking all equipment and resources in own area of responsibility. 11. Work with colleagues and coordinate activity across the team and with other stakeholders, including attending meetings, to ensure the service is achieving its aims. 12. Work collaboratively in a multi-agency setting as required. This includes maintaining professional relationships and appropriate confidentiality of information. 13. Comply with protocols, policies, and security of any statutory agency partner, if based with the partner agency. 14. Respond to internal or external complaints promptly, challenging any anti-social behaviour and reporting any risks. 15. Maximise any income collection required in respect of the service user, liaising with external agencies, and taking appropriate action as necessary. 16. Meet individual performance targets and contribute towards meeting team performance targets in respect of the service. 17. Promote the benefits of gaining qualifications and skills and the extent to which this may assist service users in their training and search for employment. 18. Maintain up to date records and produce relevant reports as required. This includes inputting information to appropriate systems as per contractual and Client requirements and producing required evidence and reports in a timely manner. General 1. Engage fully in regular supervision with your line manager. 2. Always adhere to Client's Health and Safety policies and procedures and comply with legislation and statutory duties and data controls protocols. 3. Act in line with, promote and carry out all responsibilities with full regard to Client's Equality and Diversity Policy. 4. Ensure individual expertise and subject area knowledge is up to date through Continuous Personal Development, including sharing good practice, engaging with training, and acquiring / maintaining any individual qualifications required of the role. 5. As necessary, and in addition to the above, undertake other activities commensurate with the nature of the post. Enhanced DBS required Alert me to jobs like this