To be a presence in the Hospice ensuring that individual and group support is provided for children, families and young people living with serious illness or bereavement. To develop and coordinate group work which will enable children and young people to come together in age specific groups and explore their feelings. To act as a Safeguarding Lead for children. To work with our fundraising team to prepare bids and reports for Trust funders. To initiate collaborative projects between young people and those we care for, schools, colleges and local organisations, explore emotions and promote well-being for all. To develop and manage a varied programme of support for children, young people and families. Delivering the programme of events will entail some weekend and evening working To undertake needs led assessment of children, young people and families and match the needs of the child to the appropriate support worker. To hold a small caseload of more complex cases. To assess risk and be alert to those children who might be especially vulnerable. To advise and guide on issues relating to children, young people and their families e.g. child protection and mental health. To work with the Heads of Service in advising, developing and delivering agreed strategic objectives. To have up to date knowledge on pre- and post- bereavement research, child protection issues and establish appropriate procedures to ensure the safety of all children and young people supported at the Hospice. To understand the cultural, religious and ethnic influences on the family and how these might affect, or are affected by, the terminal illness or death of a family member. Attend regular clinical supervision and multidisciplinary team meetings. To liaise with Social Services, G.Ps, Voluntary Sector and other relevant community services.Prepare accurate records in line with the Data Protection Act and Hospice policies; produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports for monitoring and auditing purposes. To develop a procedure for quantitative data analysis; assessing the numbers of children, young people and families using the service. To collect service user feedback, evaluate this data and further develop the services accordingly. To select, train, co-ordinate and lead the Children and Young Persons volunteers. Update service guidelines, volunteer role descriptions, policies, booklets and leaflets as required. When handling personally identifiable and sensitive information ensure your conduct is consistent with the requirements of the legislative, and regulatory frameworks for information and information governance, whether that be in hard or soft copy or digital formats. Keep up to date of key changes in policy, legislation and governance requirements relevant to the role and the Charity Act as a role model promoting the values of the Charity in accordance with the post holders professional Code of Practice