1. The post holder will manage elective Booking for Consultants and Registrars working to clearly defined policies.
2. To be responsible for managing the patient waiting lists ensuring patients are dated within their waiting time breach dates.
3. To be responsible for organising operation dates with patients in strict order of the waiting list, taking into account case mix, instrument availability, age, medication, surgeon, etc.
4. To be responsible for managing the rebooking of patients if there are cancelled operations ensuring the relevant Trust policies are followed when re-booking patients (for example, 28 day rule).
5. In addition to own workload, the post holder will be expected to provide cover for colleagues in the office during annual leave, sick leave and during busy periods where there is an imbalance of work.
6. Be responsible for contacting patients using persuasive and negotiating skills in agreeing a date for admission in accordance with the Patient Choice Policy.
7. Be responsible for providing excellent communication and information for patients coming in for surgery. Responsible for generating correct letters to patients explaining details of correct feeding instructions, information regarding medication, transport and sending appropriate information leaflets.
8. Liaise with the pre-assessment booking team to ensure pre-assessment appointments for patients are booked in a timely fashion, so as not to delay surgery. Acting upon the outcome of the pre-assessment if the patient is deemed unfit to proceed.
9. Be responsible for all correspondence with patients, all telephone and face-to-face enquiries from patients and relatives using tact and diplomacy; analyse and resolve patient problems.
10. The post holder must be prepared to telephone patients/consultants about contentious issues, such as operations cancelled, re-arranging lists due to beds not being available or breach issues.