To monitor and support cases under assessment on the neurodevelopmental pathway, communicating with families and partners via telephone, email etc. To assist with the assessment of neurodevelopmental conditions including undertaking of ADOS assessments, observations and initial assessments. Assist with the appropriate screening of referrals and provide information for referrers, service users and carers. To chair multiagency triage meetings to screen referrals and identify outcome required. To contribute to multi agency diagnostic panel meetings as required for the role. To complete feedback meetings with young people, families and other professionals to explain final diagnostic outcome and provide information regarding support available. To formulate reports explaining the young persons diagnosis for a range of audiences including client, families and other professionals. To liaise regularly with line manager providing them with regular updates of cases / queries Complete observations of the family and young person in a variety of settings. Work in a professional and collaborative manner with the multi-disciplinary team. Provide information, education and support for family members, carers and other relevant professionals. Participate and promote positive intra-agency working Participate in case load supervision to monitor the standards of service user case and ensure record keeping is in accordance with Professional and Trust standards. Participate in regular clinical and managerial supervision with Clinical Lead, Neurodevelopmental Pathway/ Team Manager, as per Trust policy. Contribute to the development and implementation of integrated care pathways, including appropriate service user assessments/referrals and models of care. Compile and maintain effective client records and record outcome measures in conjunction with clients and in accordance with Professional and Trust policies, procedures and standards. Participate in the induction, training or education of a variety of staff, students or volunteers attached to the team/service. Participate and assist in setting standards of service user care based on sound research findings and evidence-based practice. Please refer to attached Job Description for a full list of duties and responsibilities.