Post Doctoral Research Fellowships in Physical Oceanography
The National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (NOCS) is seeking to recruit two Postdoctoral Research Fellows in physical oceanography to pursue research on the role of small- to mesoscale physical processes in shaping the overturning circulation and mixing environment of the Southern Ocean.
The positions will focus on the analysis of a wide range of novel measurements of mesoscale eddies, internal waves, and turbulence collected in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) within the international DIMES (Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment in the Southern Ocean; project. These measurements are being conducted during a series of cruises to the Southeast Pacific and Southwest Atlantic sectors of the ACC in the period 2009 – 2012, and involve a suite of techniques, including full-depth observations of oceanic microstructure and profiling measurements from moorings and floats.
The successful applicants will work as part of a team examining the physical processes relevant to the dynamics and overturning circulation of the Southern Ocean. The group includes an active sea-going team, numerical modellers, theoreticians, and remote sensing scientists. The NOCS Southern Ocean project team works closely with scientists at project partner institutions both in the UK and the USA.
Minimum Requirements: Applicants will have a PhD in physical oceanography (or a related field) with experience in the interpretation of oceanographic observations. They will have good knowledge of ocean dynamics and strong quantitative and communication skills, and the ability to conduct innovative research leading to high-impact publications in international refereed journals.
The post is fixed term for 3 years and the salary will be in the range of £27,319 to £33,599 per annum.
For informal enquiries only (please do not send CVs), contact Dr. Alberto Naveira Garabato at 023 8059 2680 or e-mail
The closing date for this position is 31 May 2010 at 12 noon. Please quote the reference number 4252-10-E on all correspondence.