Professional The appointee will be expected to participate in the Trusts system of governance and audit. The appointee is also expected to be registered for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) with the Royal College of Pathologists and to fulfil requirements for annual certification and appropriate revalidation. Time, facilities and financial support for study leave and CPD will be made available as required. Administration The appointee will act as custodian of data under the Data Protection Act, and custodian of stored samples. Information technology The laboratory uses the iSOFT Telepath laboratory information management system. All computers have internet access. The department receives electronic requests using Sunquest ICE and Medway. Both STHK and SOHT Trusts use the Baxter ICNet infection prevention and control surveillance and case management system. Accreditation & Quality Assurance The laboratory is fully accredited by UKAS accreditation against ISO 15189. The department participates in all relevant EQA schemes (General Microbiology, Mycology, AAFB microscopy, Faecal Parasitology, Andrology, C. difficile, Chlamydia, H. pylori, Legionella, MRSA, Pneumococcal Urine Antigen and Serology). Internal quality assessment (IQA) is also undertaken as well as a regular programmed cycle of audits. Mrs Rita Mistry is Quality Manager for the Pathology Directorate. Clinical The Microbiology Department provides a proactive, clinically orientated service with daily Intensive Care Unit ward rounds and individual patient reviews as well as providing specialist input into MDTs. A Consultant Microbiologist is always available to advise hospital staff and local general practitioners on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infection. The Microbiology Medical Staff also participate in antibiotic stewardship ward rounds jointly with the Antimicrobial Management Pharmacist. There is a significant teaching workload, both within and outside the department. There are medical student tutorials, link nurse teaching, sessions on infection prevention and control for doctors, teaching of microbiology for junior doctors of other disciplines, in addition to occasional teaching for general practice. The laboratory operates a 24/7 shift system. Infection Prevention & Control Mrs Sue Redfern, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Governance is the Trusts Director of Infection Prevention and Control. Teaching and Training The Microbiology department at Whiston is a training centre for Medical Microbiology on behalf of the Mersey Deanery and is approved by the Royal College of Pathologists for Specialty Registrar trainee (StR) training in Medical Microbiology. Currently, there are 3 Speciality Registrars, including one non-rotational post which feeds into the rotational scheme. The department is also accredited for the training of Biomedical Scientists and Clinical Scientists. All staff within the department participate in CPD, qualifications such as BSc and MSc, STP, HSST are supported where appropriate.