Role Overview
As the Voice of the Customer Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of our customer feedback survey programs, ensuring best practices are upheld in their design, implementation, analysis, interpretation and dissemination. Your role will be pivotal in transforming raw feedback into actionable insights, driving strategic decisions across the organisation. Additionally, you will play a key role in training and guiding other departments on effective survey methodologies, analysis and interpretation.
Key Responsibilities
Survey Design and Management:
* Lead the end-to-end process of designing, developing, optimising and implementing customer feedback surveys.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify survey objectives and ensure alignment with organizational goals.
Data Analysis and Reporting:
* Analyze survey data to uncover actionable insights and trends.
* Develop and maintain dashboards and visualizations to disseminate insights across the organization.
* Implement a variety of insight dissemination and action strategies.
* Present findings to senior leadership and other stakeholders, ensuring data-driven decision-making.
Training and Guidance:
* Provide training, workshops, and support to departments on survey design and implementation, analysis and interpretation.
* Create and maintain comprehensive guidelines and toolkits for teams to conduct their own surveys while maintaining consistency and quality.
Quality Assurance and Best Practices:
* Ensure survey methodologies comply with ethical standards, data privacy regulations, and organizational policies.
* Continuously review and refine survey processes, integrating feedback and emerging industry trends.
Monitor survey performance metrics (e.g., response rates, engagement) and implement strategies for improvement.
About You:
You are a data-driven professional, experienced in understanding customer needs and transforming feedback into impactful insights.
Skills and Qualifications
* Proven experience in survey management, market research, or a related field.
* Strong analytical skills with proficiency in tools such as Excel, R, Python or similar.
* Familiarity with survey platforms (e.g., SurveyMonkey, or similar) and data visualisation software (e.g., Zoho, or similar).
* Experience in result and insight dissemination, including visualisation dashboards, reports and collaborative practices.
* Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to convey complex findings to diverse audiences.
* Knowledge of data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) and ethical considerations in survey research.
* Experience in training or mentoring teams on survey-related topics is highly desirable.
* Flexible Working Times: You are able to start work anytime between 7-9am, and finish between 3pm-6pm.
* Special Days Off: Getting married or moving house? No need to use up your holidays, MDPI offer paid time off for such occasions.
* Our Culture: A friendly working environment with monthly lunch parties, office snacks and seasonal events.
* Bonus Incentives: Depending on your role, you may be eligible for one of our bonus schemes which rewards high-performing employees.
* Perkbox: You will have access to our benefit platform called “Perkbox.” This will provide you with a range of discounts and benefits across various retailers, including savings on food, drinks, tech, travel, and more.
* Health Cash Plan: After passing probation, employees are enrolled into our private health membership with Bupa. You can claim money back on dental, doctors, and prescriptions amongst many other health services.
* Modern City Centre Office: Located next to Piccadilly Gardens, our office is a 10 minute walk from both Manchester Piccadilly and Manchester Oxford Road train stations. There are also tram stops outside of the building.
* Cyclescheme: Save between 25-39% on a bike and accessories.
* Techscheme: Save up to 10% on tax when purchasing tech equipment from places such as Ikea and Currys.
About MDPI
A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Our mission is to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. We operate more than 400 diverse, peer-reviewed, open access journals supported by over 66,000 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is openly and broadly available.
MDPI is headquartered in Switzerland with additional offices in Europe, Asia and North America. We are committed to ensuring that high quality research is made available as quickly as possible. We also support sustainability projects, with sustainability as a key theme in many journals and through the MDPI Sustainability Foundation.
At MDPI, we develop and maintain various platforms in order to better serve the scientific community. Please find here-below a list of our main platforms: