++This is an initial 6 months posting with the possibility of extending for 12 months upon mutual agreement++
This Clinical Fellow post is suitable for doctors who wish to pursue a career in Paediatric Surgery. The post is suitable for surgeons who have completed their Core Surgical Training and are looking for experience in Paediatric Surgery. The post is based at the Queens Medical Centre campus of the Nottingham University Hospital with responsibility for the care of in-patients, out-patients and emergencies admitted during day time hours and when on-call. Out of hours the post holder will work on the SpR rota including prospective cover.
Paediatric Surgery & Urology is based at the Queens Medical Centre and comprises of 12 Consultants Surgeons (7 General Paediatric Surgeons and 5 Paediatric Urologists) supporting general and tertiary paediatric surgical and urological services in addition to providing local outreach services. All paediatric surgical emergencies are admitted to the QMC usually via the Paediatric Emergency Department. The surgical wards comprise of D34, D35 and E17 in addition to jointly managed patients on PICU and the Neonatal Unit. Main Theatres are located on C Floor and have dedicated afternoon emergency lists as well as access to the Childrens Day Case Unit on B Floor.
The Nottingham Children's Hospital is situated in East Block on D and E floors with 2 Outpatient Departments on B Floor and comprises. Eight wards - 121 beds including critical care. An Oncology Day Case Unit with Anaesthetic facilities. A Short Stay Unit for observation of the acutely ill child. A large hospital school. An Academic Division of Child Health (University of Nottingham School of Human Development). Neonatal Units on both City and QMC campus. A separate Children's Emergency Department.Paediatric Urology service is supported by four urology nurse specialists and seven paediatric nephrologists.
There will be exposure to all aspects of Paediatric Surgery which will include ward rounds, theatres and outpatients. The post holder will work at Specialty Registrar level. The post provides the opportunity for hands on operative experience working with highly experienced Consultant Surgeons
Non Clinical Training Responsibilities
In addition it would be expected that the post holder would gain transferrable skills in leadership, management, guideline development, clinical governance, research and gain an understanding of service development
This advert closes on Monday 31 Mar 2025