Professional Responsibilities & Patient Contact:
The Post-holder will:
1. Provide evidence-based clinical interventions, making autonomous clinical decisions about their own professional practice.
2. Undertake specialist assessments to assist in the diagnosis of people suspected of having dementia.
3. Re-assess people with dementia where there are changes in emotional wellbeing and behaviour.
4. Maintain high standards of patient care, ensuring individuality and dignity is maintained at all times, while promoting independence wherever safely possible.
5. Educate professionals, carers, and families to identify and manage Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD).
6. Monitor the effectiveness of medication prescribed for the symptoms of dementia and report back to the prescriber as required.
7. Promote a recovery model that empowers people with dementia, their carers, and family to be at the forefront of decision-making and ownership of their treatment plans.
8. Undertake clinical risk assessments, based on the latest empirical evidence and compliant with local policies and procedures.
9. Promote least restrictive practice, interventions that cause less disruptions or change in the circumstances of the person with dementia and which maximize their independence and freedom, with due attention to the safety of others.
10. Ensure people with dementia are aware of their rights to and the availability of local advocacy services. If appropriate to the immediate situation, an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) to be contacted.
Communication and Working Relationship Skills:
The Post-holder will:
1. Provide complex and sensitive information and advice.
2. Provide a high standard of written and verbal communication.
3. Communicate information in a way that makes it relevant and understandable.
4. Arrange for an Interpreter as and when required.
5. Demonstrate empathy, respect, compassion, and hope where there may be barriers to understanding.
6. Adhere to patient information sharing, data protection, and confidentiality policies.
7. Maintain professional relationships with all colleagues to ensure professional standards are met.
8. Ensure effective liaison with and feedback to referrers and all other relevant agencies within established timescales.
9. Attend and participate in meetings for example: Adult Protection and Risk Management Meetings, Best Interest Meetings, Mental Health Review Tribunals, NHS and Continuing Healthcare Meetings, CPA Review Meetings, Team Meetings etc.
10. Maintain up to date clinical records in a timely and accurate manner.
Ensure all records are kept safely in accordance with LSW policies, including the Data Protection Act and LSW Confidentiality Policy.
Analytical and Judgemental Skills:
The Post-holder will:
1. Be able to receive information, analyze and formulate professional judgment with support from senior qualified staff as required.
2. Discuss and arrange appropriate welfare checks with police response as required under guidance from senior staff.
3. Assist with ensuring day to day practice reflects the highest standards of governance, clinical effectiveness, safety and person experience.
4. Report any incidents of harm or near miss in line with the LSW incident reporting policy, acting appropriately that actions are taken to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.
5. Be aware of complaints procedure.
Planning and Organisational Skills:
The Post-holder will:
1. Demonstrate the ability to manage conflicting demands on time and the ability to prioritize clinical work effectively.
2. Work without direct management and take accountability for your own actions as and when required.
3. Delegate tasks, ensuring that the person delegated to is appropriately skilled to do so.
4. Proactively explore opportunities for and take the lead on developing reflective practice within the clinical areas.
Personal and Professional Development:
The Post-holder will:
1. At all times adhere to NMC Guidelines and Standards of conduct, performance, and ethics.
2. Maintain an up-to-date professional registration and work in accordance with the NMC guidelines around Continued Professional Development and be able to evidence this via a portfolio.
3. Have awareness and working knowledge of NICE guidance and other statutory/best practice guidelines.
4. Work within legal frameworks such as: Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Care Act, Human Rights Act etc.
5. Have good understanding and knowledge of dementia including BPSD.
6. Have a sound knowledge of ACI Medications including Memantine and AntiPsychotics which may be prescribed to treat the symptoms of dementia.
7. Ensure LSW Policy Supervision is implemented; this will include providing and receiving Clinical Supervision, Line Management, and Caseload Supervision.
8. Ensure that LSW Mandatory Training is maintained alongside any Training specifically linked to job role and responsibilities.
9. Monitor practice and development of junior staff as appropriate reporting to supervisory staff.
Policy and Service Development Responsibilities:
The Post-holder will:
1. Have a working knowledge of LSW Policies and Procedures.
2. Promote a culture that incorporates Organisational aim and values.
3. Empower all team members to participate in implementing change by using problem solving, considering potential conflicts and planning resolution.
4. Participate in the development of the Plymouth Dementia Pathway.
5. Ensure participation in the team's compliance with CQC standards as directed by clinical.