Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
(attracts £20K RRP)
We are currently looking for a full time (10 PA) Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist to work in our Neurodevelopmental team (8APs) and LD team (2PAs) within Harrow CAMHS (CNWL).
This is an exciting opportunity for an energetic, innovative and dedicated Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with creative ideas for service development, keen to work with dynamic and passionate consultant colleagues and MDT clinicians to collaborate with paediatricians, schools, 3rd sector organisations, children's services and allied health professionals.
We support flexible working.
This post attracts a Golden Hello of 20K payable in two instalments (subject to eligibility, taxable and non pensionable), Relocation package for up to 8K (subject to eligibility), a generous annual leave entitlement, study leave, the NHS pension for a scheme and other financial benefits such as a range of staff discounts including discount on the purchase and the lease of new cars.
Further Information & Arrangements to visit
Dr Julia Gledhill - Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
E: T: 020 8869 4500
Dr Azer Mohammed, Clinical Director CAMHS
E:, T: 020 3317 5999
The postholder will be expected to provide psychiatric leadership to the NDT and supervise the Band 7 nurses within the team (one of whom is a nurse prescriber), whose work includes ADHD medication monitoring clinics. The postholder will support the MDT in the neurodevelopmental assessment of new referrals to the service as well as offering consultation to colleagues and direct assessment where indicated. The postholder will run one OP clinic/week for medication management and review of complex cases. With additional MDT resources, the postholder will lead on development of the team to assess and manage young people with complex presentations which include likely neurodevelopmental comorbidity and often high risk. The team has developed innovative models for the assessment and management of neurodevelopmental disorders including an information sharing psychoeducation group for parents of children with ADHD, an initiating medication group and close collaborative work with the 3rd sector for supporting young people and families where a child has ASD or ADHD. The postholder will be required to support, maintain and develop these initiatives. Within the LD team, the postholder will provide psychiatric assessments and reviews and oversee pharmacological treatment. They will also offer psychiatric consultation and/or review for other MDT clinicians and support the team in risk assessment and management.
CNWL is a nationally leading NHS Foundation Trust providing Mental Health, Community Health and Child Health Services across London and the South East of England.
Over the last few years our catchment area has grown significantly, making the Trust’s population more diverse than ever. The area spans the communities of London, Milton Keynes and wider geographical areas of Buckinghamshire, Surrey, Kent and Hampshire. There are areas of great affluence as well as deprivation, and there are over 100 first-languages spoken in these communities.
We were authorised as a Foundation Trust on 1 May 2007.
The Trust is organised in to three Divisions: Jameson, Goodall and Diggory. Goodall Division is responsible for the delivery of Mental Health and community Learning Disability services in Hillingdon, as well as all CNWL’s specialist rehabilitation provision and CAMHS provision in NW London. We also deliver community physical health services in a number of boroughs in NW London, including Hillingdon Harrow, Ealing and neighbouring System of North Central London.
Our staff play a fundamental role in our delivery of excellent outcomes and excellent patient experience, so it is our aim to create a happy and healthy working environment where you can thrive and succeed.
1. To assess and manage children presenting with neurodevelopmental disorders +/- psychiatric comorbidity.
2. To provide leadership and senior psychiatric input to the neurodevelopmental team.
3. To participate in the development of specialist clinical services for children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental difficulties plus associated psychiatric comorbidity and often high risk across Harrow CAMHS.
4. To take Consultant responsibility for assessment and treatment, development of care plans and the management of pharmacological treatments.
5. To prioritize cases requiring urgent psychiatric input.
6. To work collaboratively with clinical colleagues.
7. To be available to clinicians within CAMHS to discuss and support the management of cases.
8. To be available for consultation to partners in Education, Social care and Paediatrics.
9. To be involved with the transition of cases to Adult Services.
10. To offer expert advice on risk assessment and management, including direct assessment where indicated.
11. Liaison with NHS England, Commissioners and Tier 4 services when referral to Tier 4 is indicated.
12. Liaison with Tier 4 services and contribution to CRAFT and CPA meetings.
13. To work collaboratively with other CAMHS services, schools, paediatricians, Childrens Services and 3rd sector organisations.
14. To provide clinical supervision to the two clinical nurse specialists in the team and the specialty doctor.
LD Responsibilities:
1. To provide psychiatric assessments and reviews and oversee pharmacological treatment within the LD team.
2. To join the LD referrals meeting and to participate in the assessment of cases where a psychiatric assessment is required due to the complexity of mental health presentation or risk or where there is a request to consider medication as part of a management plan or in order to provide ongoing medication monitoring.
3. Support case managers in assessing and managing risk.
4. Liaison with paediatric colleagues when further physical assessment is required or to devise joint treatment plans where appropriate.
5. Participation in the ongoing development of New Models of Service to improve delivery and outcome, considering the views of commissioners and evidence of best practice e.g. Care, Education and Treatment Reviews (CETRs), Dynamic Support Register (DSR).
6. Assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders will be in accordance with NICE guidelines and the research evidence base for treatment of psychiatric disorders in young people with intellectual disability. While the majority of referrals for challenging behaviour within the LD team do not require medication, there will be a number of cases where there is aggressive or self-injurious behaviour requiring short term use of medication as part of a wider Positive Behaviour Support strategy.