To act as practitioner nurse/care co-ordinator for an identified group of service-users patients within the overall perinatal team caseload. To ensure that appropriate interventions are planned and delivered according to assessed need. To promote a positive nurse patient relationship and to engage with carers/relatives as appropriate. To have responsibility for documenting the plans of care and ensuring that plans remain current and that standards for record-keeping are adhered to. To take an active role in auditing and maintaining standards of record-keeping for this group of patients. To ensure the client has a signed copy of their agreed care plan. To have responsibility for seeking support and advice from the Parent and Baby Service Manager in respect of issues and difficulties with individual service-user care. To attend regular decision-making meetings with the Team Manager in order to address caseload management issues such as acceptance of assessments, the provision of ongoing care, discharge planning, face-to-face contacts and patient mix.