Children Social Work Team Manager Team: Looked after and Disabilities Location: Knowsley Rate: £40.24
CLA and CP/CWD and care leavers require dedicated time to develop good practice for Social Workers in line with the practice standards and outside of the role of a Team Manager who is completing the QA work, supervisions and day to day oversight such as legal meetings, court, strategy requirements. Therefore the 2 additional capacity workers based in the office at least 4 times per week will allow for quality practice to be focused at a service level with practitioners.
This will sit under the current PMG1 Group Service Manager Temp role that we already have in place whilst CfC HOS is being recruited too. The 2x ATMs will form part of the Social Work Development (Enrichment/ Improvement/ Enhancement) Hub.
The role will be built on the foundations from Ofsted on what Outstanding looks like in which they reflect:
Put simply, outstanding does not mean 'perfect’. Nor does it mean that there aren’t areas for improvement, or there will not be a serious case review/learning review.
Identifying areas for improvement does not in itself preclude a Local Authority from an outstanding grade if it has taken swift, appropriate action to address them. Indeed, we see this as evidence of effective leadership, knowing yourself and responding appropriately.
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