This is an exciting opportunity for a Teacher of PE and Games to join a highly successful sports department that is continually striving to foster a love of physical activity in all pupils. The successful candidate would help pupils excel in their sporting performance, whilst also supporting inclusivity and participation for all.
Why choose Belmont?
Belmont is the co-educational preparatory day school to Mill Hill School. The school is set in 30 acres of the Mill Hill conservation area on the edge of the green belt and is over-subscribed. Some 540 pupils are on roll, aged from 7 to 13. Belmont has an excellent academic reputation and provides a happy and friendly environment in which pupils enjoy learning; the extra-curricular programme is extensive and of high quality.
Entry at 7+ is automatic from the pre-prep and selective for external candidates. Entry at 11+ is selective and gives automatic transfer to Mill Hill, the senior school, at 13+. Approximately 90% of pupils transfer; the remaining pupils are successful in gaining entry to other selective independent schools in north London and beyond. The school achieves high academic standards including in entrance exams to senior schools, with a significant number of pupils regularly achieving academic, music, art, design, drama and sports awards. The School has a strong reputation for outstanding pastoral care and the personal development of every child.
Why choose The Mill Hill Education Group?
Mill Hill Education Group is a growing charitable collection of independent schools. Its aims of instilling values and inspiring minds has been a key focus since the founding of Mill Hill School in 1807. All schools share an educational philosophy around developing thoughtful and responsible pupils with a global outlook. School life combines academic rigour with a breadth of opportunities to develop young people able to flourish in an ever-changing world.
* Educates boys and girls from 3–18, seeking to equip them for life, both now and in the future.
* Our stimulating academic environment and numerous activities outside the classroom encourage learning and personal growth.
* We are committed to the development of every pupil and believe that our friendly and supportive community helps this to happen.
* We seek as a group to instil a love for learning which will last a life time whilst balancing this with a readiness to embrace change.
For further information, please contact Herpal Bhachu, Recruitment Manager at .
Closing date: 9am, Friday 28 March 2025
The Mill Hill Education Group is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children. As part of our Recruitment Checks, the appointed candidate will be subject to a Social Media and Enhanced DBS Check.