Y Deryn family of schools is a secondary age Key Stage (KS) 3 and Key Stage 4 Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) for 180 learners who have behavioural, emotional, mental health and social difficulties based across two sites.
Bryn y Deryn and Can y Deryn KS 4 Teaching assistant (TA) positions will be based in Lawrenny avenue, Leckwith CF11 8XB. We have an excellent reputation and are a great team to work with.
About the job
Bryn y Deryn provides education and wellbeing for learners with challenging behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. Can y Deryn provides education and wellbeing for learners with emotional-based school avoidance. TA’s here generally support subject areas.
High quality learning and excellent care, support and guidance are at the heart of every part of our school, as is a commitment to trauma informed approaches.
What We Are Looking For From You
The successful applicant will work as part of a team and have some successful experience of working with learners who have behaviour social and mental health problems and be able to empathise with pupils’ difficulties. They will be able to support teaching and learning opportunities that meet the needs of individual learners. This is an opportunity for persons with empathy, energy, commitment and enthusiasm to make a positive impact to the school and lives of young people.
Additional Information
This post is term time only. Unless you have transferable experience, you will be put on the bottom of the scale. School based jobs are paid pro rata, which means once the advertised salary is adjusted, the hourly rate is £12.26 and your pro rata on 39 weeks is £18,290.70. This would increase annually for the first three years.
These posts have a requirement for registration with the Education Workforce Council and are subject to an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.
Safeguarding and Child Protection are key priorities for the Council. We aim to support children and vulnerable adults to ensure they are as safe as they can possibly be. Our services and schools are committed to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and vulnerable adults and will take action to safeguard their well-being, acknowledging that children and vulnerable adults have a right to protection.
We welcome applications in both English and Welsh. Applications received in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than English applications.
Job Category: Education - Professional / Support
Department: Education & Lifelong Learning
Working Pattern/Contract Type: Full Time Permanent (Term Time)