To work under the direction of a registered member of nursing staff, but at times will not have direct supervision. To maintain confidentiality in respect of the patient/client at all times. To be aware of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the implications for the work environment. To obtain knowledge of Trust policies, procedures, and practices and carry out duties in accordance with them.
To be aware of legal issues and have an understanding of the Mental Health Act. To support activities on a 1:1 basis, including risk management and therapeutic intentions as directed by the registered nurse. To be an active member of the provision of care to the patient/client. To receive reports on patient care and be able to report back with observations to the nurse in charge within his/her competency. To be willing to participate actively in appropriate in-service training programmes which the manager believes to be of benefit to the individual.
To assume co-responsibility for maintaining skills and knowledge levels. To assist the registered nurse to carry out, under direction, tasks which fulfill the patients/clients physical and psychological needs, as identified in the Care Plan/Assessment. Escort patients to other wards/departments or other areas designated by trained staff, which may include the community. Contribute to the assessment, planning, implementing, and evaluating care to patients.
This includes participation in case reviews and assessments for the admission/discharge process. Make appropriate records in the multi-disciplinary patient file/electronic records, which will then be countersigned by a registered nurse. To assist with the patients' personal care and record patients' observations in accordance with the Care Plan. Record and manage patients' property.
Undertake specific responsibilities designated by the Ward Manager and Matron. To undertake mandatory and other training as directed by the Trust. To participate in continuing role/personal development using the appraisal system. To receive line management support and supervision.
To contribute to any audit process. To behave in a manner which does not bring the Trust into disrepute. Notes: This job description is not exhaustive and may change as the post develops, but such change will not take place without consultation between the post holder and his/her manager. This job will be reviewed within the appraisal process on an annual basis.
The post holder is required to conform to Livewell South West policies on Health, Safety, Fire procedures, record keeping, and confidentiality. To undertake annual competency assessment appropriate to the role.