1. To undertake such duties as may be commensurate with the seniority of the post
2. To ensure that the Council’s corporate Health & Safety policy is followed and training is undertaken in all pertinent health and safety procedures
3. To partake in the Council’s and Directorate’s staff training and development policies as well as the Council’s system of performance appraisal
4. To treat all information gathered for the Council and Directorate, either electronically or manually, in a confidential manner
5. All employees are required to demonstrate a commitment when carrying out their duties which promotes and values diversity and the equality of opportunity in relation to employees and service users which is in line with the Council’s Equality & Diversity Policy.
6. To be responsible for identifying and managing all risks associated with the job role through effective application of internal controls and risk assessments to support the achievement of Corporate and Service objectives
7. To ensure the highest standards of customer care are met at all times
8. To ensure the principles of Value for Money in service delivery is fundamental in all aspects of involvement with internal and external customers
9. To ensure that the highest standards of data quality are achieved and maintained for the collection, management and use of data.
10. To positively promote the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults and ensure that it is recognised that Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility; and to engage in appropriate training