Job Description
Volunteer Fundraising Officer Role Description
Worcester Green Party
Greens do politics differently. We are open, involving and have a lot of fun working in teams. Worcester Green Party is a vibrant and successful local party with landmark recent electoral success, winning the popular vote two years running in local elections. We have a lively and growing band of activists and supporters and determined to be able to fund our future electoral success at City, County and the prospect of a first Green MP for Worcester.
Role Purpose / Summary
Devise and deliver fundraising plans to meet agreed targets for Worcester Green Party.
Work with Green councillors and activists to deliver fundraising alongside Membership and Events Officers.
Contribute to the Worcester Green Party and West Midlands election plans.
Typically will involve 2 - 7 hours per week, low July-Sep, High Oct-May.
Key Responsibilities
· Develop the case for support in conjunction with key members of the management team so that it works for fundraising.
· Be responsible for recommending fundraising techniques and plans to deliver on fundraising requirements within budget constraints.
· Develop fundraising products and campaig...