We are seeking an InfrastructureEngineer on an initial 6 month contract for our public sectorclient based in Exeter paying up to 600 per day insideIR35.
Thisrole allows remote working with an expectation to attend the office1 2 days permonth.
SecurityClearance (SC) is required for thisrole.
Thesuccessful candidate will possess proven ss working with thefollowing
* Infrastructure
* VMWareclusters
* IBMStorage
* Storage Systems Dell EMC IBMDDNNetApp
* VMWare
* Backup& Restore Service
* MainframesLinux
* on premises and cloudservices
* BAUdoentation
* IBM Flashsystem7300
* migrating from IBM V7000systems
InfrastructureEngineer VMWare Consultant Infrastructure Consultant SecurityCleared SC Security Clearance Government publicsector
Infrastructure VMWare clusters IBM Storage Storage Systems - DellEMC, IBM, DDN, NetApp VMWare Backup & Restore ServiceMainframes, Linux on premises and cloud services BAU, doentationIBM Flashsystem 7300 migrating from IBM V7000 systems