Hours: Full time
Are you passionate about making a real difference in your community? Do you believe in building lasting relationships and empowering others to thrive? At Trivallis, our ambitious new tenant services strategy is transforming how we support our communities. As a Community Housing Officer, you'll be at the heart of this exciting journey, ensuring our services are built around people, not processes.
Team around the tenant
At Trivallis, were committed to making each tenant feel supported by a team that works seamlessly together. With our Team around the tenant approach, everyone involved in supporting our tenantshousing officers, support staff, and moreworks collaboratively, focusing on the individual needs of each tenant. This means that instead of dealing with different departments separately, tenants experience a united team that listens, responds, and takes action as one. Its a simpler, more personal way to provide the support that matters, ensuring tenants feel valued and empowered.
The role
As a Community Housing Officer, you'll manage a patch of tenancies and build lasting relationships with tenants and communities to help them thrive. You'll act as a key worker who listens, supports, and advocates for tenants. Addressing issues like anti-...