We are seeking
to appoint a Research and Policy Advisor to join the Pandemic Sciences Institute (PSI) Policy and Practice Research Group, at the University of Oxford. The research group undertakes applied research on the design and implementation of policy and practice (including public health) for pandemic preparedness and response. Particular areas of current research include research on research prioritisation, research translation to policy and barriers and enablers to both research and public health practice during outbreaks. Your primary responsibilities will be to lead on discrete areas of the PSI Policy and Practice Research Group, under the oversight of Dr Alice Norton. In particular, undertaking literature, policy reviews and stakeholder consultations and interviews) supported by a new grant from the WHO, focussed on improving research funders policies in alignment with the WHA Resolution on Clinical Trials. You will regularly write research articles, lead and co-author publications on behalf of the PSI Policy and Practice Research group-related work and present papers at conferences. You will also develop policy briefs on strategic themes such as data sharing, clinical research innovation and regulatory developments, social science aspects, access to medicine and R&D priorities and pipelines, and represent the research group at international meetings including with senior executives from funding agencies. Other responsibilities include developing research questions within a specific context, and preparing and disseminating briefing papers for members on e.g. outbreak status reports and problem specification.