Provide guidance and support to the teammanaging hotel operations during thenight.
Undertake night audits and corridor checksto make sure everyone in the hotel is safe and lookedafter.
Are an autonomous and passionateindividual confident in all aspects of guest relations receivingand recognising all guests including those who require specialattention.
Lead the team on Night Team tasks tocomplete such as Fire Walks Function Room preparation and Food& Drink services.
Prepare Finance reportsand Duty Manager Logs in advance of the daily HOD Meeting andcomplete the daily bankingreconciliation.
Maintain strong workingrelationships and communicate with all departments ensuring acontinuous link between night andday.
Qualifications :
Knowledge and experiencewith Opera cloud and Hotel night shift experience are required forthis role.
Ideally you have a First AidCertificate or are willing to attend a trainingday.
Remote Work :
EmploymentType :