Established in 1969, The Original Factory Shop brings big brands at bargain prices to Britain’s local high streets. We source “must buy” quality ranges at unbelievable prices, bringing out the bargain lover in everyone so we can satisfy our customers. With stores nationwide, we bring our customers big brands up to 70% off across multiple departments including fashion, beauty, home & more. High street cut price labels were how we started the business (with our first store in Keighley) and still form a part of our range today. We currently have an exciting opportunity for a Store Manager to join our Bexhill team
We have an exciting opportunity for an ambitious Store Manager to create a friendly, welcoming, customer focused environment that delivers great results and a great place to work.
As a Store Manager you will lead the team, be passionate about engaging with our customers, maximise the business by being quick to act and consistently search for new ideas. You will lead from the front and ensure all your colleagues create a great customer experience. As we are a proud community retailer you will actively encourage engagement with the local area to deliver top results. You will work hard yet keep it fun!
We are looking for individuals who have Retail Management experience and a passion for delivering great customer service. You will have and understanding of working within a fas...