Accounts and Finance Assistant Asset Finance for Education Sector
Are you a super switched on Accounts and Finance Assistant with impeccable attention to details and a love for maths and accounting?
Utility Rentals is a leading lease funding and asset finance provider to the education sector and we specialise in helping to make the budgets of schools, academies, colleges and universities to go further via our market-leading compliant lease, rental and subscription solutions.
Accounts and Finance Assistant Role Overview:
The Accounts and Finance Assistant Role is a key role within the company. Being a finance/leasing company, this Accounts and Finance Assistant Role offers more opportunity and variation to candidates than the other employers who are offering similar positions.
As such, we are looking for an exceptional candidate to join our team.
You will be working within the finance team to ensure all accounts related tasks are completed methodically and on time.
The key elements of this role include:
1. Daily working within several cloud based Accounts packages for accounting, lease manangement, asset management, and spreadsheets
2. Maintaining contracts on our l...