Areyou an experienced part time / portfolio FinanceDirector
Wouldyou prefer to spend your days working with a variety of clientsrather than using up all your time looking for newbusiness
Or perhapsyou are an experienced Finance Director / CFO whos fed up with thecorporate grind preferring to workwith a variety of exciting SMEbusinesses rather than just keeping the same old routine day in dayout
Doyou live in or near Birmingham and theMidlands
Ifso wed love to hear from you!
Joinour growing team of highly experienced part time Finance Directorsand create a sustainable dependable income whilst being a part of asupportive and friendlynetwork.
To be successful youllneed a great deal of EQ as well as financial acumen. Youll be ableto form relationships with CEOs MDs and Founders quickly and beable to empathise with the problems that theyface.
Youll be a team player keento learn from and help others.
Theroles are selfemployed ensuring that you keep full control of yourwork / life balance. Incomes in excess of 150000 p.a. areachievable.
Wecurrently provide our services to our clients through a hybridmodel of both in person and virtualworking.